Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Yin to my Yang

The homemade chocolate ice cream to my texas sheet cake, the Mr. Darcy to my Elizabeth,  the home run to my baseball game.  Yesterday we celebrated 7 years of matrimony!  We went to the temple, ate at Le Grande Orange then got gelato next door.  Which Holly you were right, it was so good.  Probably my favorite I've had around here.  Still my all time fav is Gelato Paridiso in Newport.  We ran out of things to do and still had time with the babysitter so we went to TJMax and Travis lasted about 30 seconds before he started dying from boredom and exhaustion.  All in all it was a very fun night, minus the part where I got the giggles in the temple.  For the last minute I could do nothing but Shake my shoulders and avoid eye contact.  All  because of the way Travis said "Yes."   

I set up the camera for a timed picture, kind of missed our heads.
 We remembered when we where first dating, Travis' brother Shawn owned a Neilson's
Frozen Custard and Travis worked for him.  I told him my idea for a delicious concrete- Chocolate with pretzels, which everybody frowns upon.  The next day he brought me Chocolate custard with a bag of pretzels and the flame was lit.